Latvian cuisine
Where and what to eat in Riga, how much it costs. Beer in Riga Latvian cuisine will offer you any extraordinary gastronomic dishes, it is quite simple, but at the same time, all the dishes are hearty and tasty. You would probably not fall in love with the dishes, but you should definitely try. Riga cooks most often cook dishes made from purely local products, such as Baltic fish, pearl barley, chanterelles and seasonal vegetables and fruits. The most common Latvian dishes that we think you should try in Latvia are the following: gray peas with smoked pork brisket served with kefir. That’s a true Latvian dish. It was given to peasants for breakfast in the old times. Since the dish is very satisfying and gives energy, after such a breakfast, people could work productively all day long. The dish is not tasty and rather dry, but still it was one of the first national dishes. Kefir is served separately, we don’t recommend mixing, otherwise it will play a bad joke with y...